We all play a role in ensuring that participating in surf lifesaving is a positive and safe experience for everyone. Everyone who works or volunteers with children and young people has a responsibility to keep them safe.
This includes any concerns about the welfare of children either within surf life saving or outside of surf lifesaving and any concern over anyone’s behaviour related to the welfare of children including those away from the sport that involves member organisations and/or participants.
What is safeguarding?
A safeguarding issue or concern is anything that might impact on childrenor a young persons safety and welfare, cause them harm, or put them at risk of harm. Sometimes children and young people might tell someone about (or disclose) abuse or neglect. You might also notice signs of abuse or see something that worries you. The number one priority is the well-being and protection of the child or young person.
However, it is not up to you to decide whether a child, young person is at risk or has been abused, but to report concerns appropriately.
Who needs safeguarding?
Safeguarding applies to everyone, and it is each person’s responsibility to make sure that the most vulnerable people within our society are protected from harm.
Children and young people may require more safeguarding support and consideration.
If you think a child or young person is in immediate danger, contact the police on 999. If you’re worried about a child but they are not in immediate danger, you should share your concerns.
Please report any concerns on the following form and send it to your club Safeguarding Officer or
All members who are involved in regulated activity with our under 18 year old members are required to have a DBS check. You must be a live member of your club with a membership number. DBS checked members will also be required to give their permission for registration with the Update Service where annual DBS status checks can be completed. You may also be required to attend safeguarding training should your role require it. Please see your Club Safeguarding Officer for more information.
Useful Telephone Numbers
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We respectfully ask that no changes are made from the original documents